What is the Difference Between Coaching and Therapy?

How can you tell the difference between coaching and psychotherapy? You are ready to get some support for your personal and/or professional goals but should you hire a coach or therapist?

If you are thinking of hiring someone who offers both, don’t stress the question. Schedule a consultation (often free) to share your current concerns and your current goals. The professional can collaborate with you to determine the next best step.

If you are struggling with emotional regulation - you don’t feel balanced often, your emotions seem to be running the show - then a therapist is who you want. You can learn techniques to increase self regulation and take steps toward a healthier life.

If you are living a life that feels “good enough” and you are ready for the next level, then coaching might be for you. Coaching helps you to clarify your goals and vision as well as provides tools for accountability and achievement.

Something to keep in mind:

Unlike the practice of psychotherapy, coaching is not regulated by the government. In other words, there are no state or federal laws nor regulations that govern coaching as a profession or define a scope of practice for those who offer coaching services. Any person can hang a shingle and label themselves as a coach. Coaching does not require a license, specific education, or experience. (Quote from CAMFT Attorneys)


Finances: If you have health insurance then a psychotherapist can bill your insurance company. The therapist will be required to provide a medical diagnosis to the health insurance company. Therapy sessions or coaching sessions that don’t address a medical disorder will not be covered. Coaching sessions are never covered by any plan. You will pay out-of-pocket for coaching.

Both are a collaboration to reach your goals.

Success in both hinges on the relationship between you and the professional you hire - do you trust and feel comfortable with them? If you don’t want to talk to the person then it doesn’t matter what skill they have or what treatment modality they use. Also, if you vibe with the person but you never seem to reach your goals, it’s probably not a good match either.

When we feel heard and seen, then we can reach heights we might not even be able to imagine right now. So you might want want to work with someone who can acknowledge and validate your struggles but also have strong enthusiasm about the possibilities. Dream big and find a teammate, cheerleader, and guide with whom to collaborate!